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But the assembly csharp is diffrent like the 9 notebooks (reference to cirno baka) and other stuff is gone!


Because this is retextured baldi's basics


Remastered Awesome


Sorry is delete you can download right here


This remastered version is a very good porting module, but it has very scary elements and noise, so I collected seven books and was locked in a detention room, so I didn't dare to play anymore.


I beat it


Finally, I cleared it and these are the pictures.


Me too win


i can't download any game in gamebanana and please I want you make it plssssssssss


Next mod android beta:Baldi basics medieval editon(my favourite mod baldi)


The wizard royal wants creator Mod "Baldi basics in medieval edition Remastered"








Can you port this mod to Android?

:kuba's Basics in public demo remastered.


Sorry 😔😐 not work


Ah。 Why? The original Baldi's basics full game public demo can be ported to Android. Can't this module be ported?


OK I will try


Thank you so much!


Do you have the perfect transplant Android version of baldi's basics old laboratory chapters 1-4? If you don't have it, I can send it to you in the form of a linkwhen you posted the Android version of that module.

(+1) here public kubas


To tell a joke, I didn't originally have an available email. And then yesterday evening, I was about to post a comment on when I realized I needed to verify the email. I panicked because I promised you that once you sent me the porting module, I would send you the link to Baldi's old laboratory.Then I kept trying to verify (I thought it was a verification code), and during that time, I logged into my QQ email,Then According to Two Headed Oliver! I kept trying and exploring, and just now, I finally succeeded in verifying it 📧。 During this process, I asked many people (on the Chinese website where I posted the video) who didn't even know how to verify it, even my parents didn't know.


Click the link again


I can't open the link you sent (in fact, not many Chinese phones can open it). Can you send a media file link? Please。Also, these are the things I promised you:

Link is opening



Hi kostya

/storage/emulated/0/Download/Baldi's Big


Publish it


Deleted 1 year ago

OK,I try again

Deleted 1 year ago

Awesome mod,I not know how make platforms for android this is mod Baldi big zoo android


You want to publish I can help you



Can you fix the 7 Notebooks to 9 notebooks

Sorry guys I can’t do 9 nb because bug here photo

Great ur so good

Tutorial by bmas2 to make any mod in Mt manager


I watched the video now I know how to make Original Ports Thanks bro

(2 edits)

You’re welcome just swapped that’s right
